Gracias Fermín!
La estadía con los colegas fue estupenda, el casco antiguo de la ciudad es fascinante, la comida deliciosa y la lluvia... copiosa. Lo único que parecía empañar ese par de días que pasamos allí, era el agua, pero al regresar me entero que los carteles preparados para soportar las inclemencias del tiempo, no estaban preparados para soportar el paso de una banda de jinetes desbocados que rompieron todo lo que pudieron. Una actitud poco solidaria con este emprendimiento y con los autores que participamos desinteresadamente.
Ningún happy-end para nuestros dibujos.
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The 17ª Solidarity Movies Festival began in Cáceres. Festival whom I was invited to take part first with a cup and this year with a poster. Each one of those that we had informed last year, we had to choose this time a movie from a list made by the organizers of the Festival; I chose Tésis, of Alejandro Amenábar. On a red carpet and in the middle of the Main road, to parade the posters... under the rain. The stay w/ the fellas was marvelous, the old town of the city is fascinating, the delightful meal and the rain... copious. The only thing that seemed to steam up this pair of days that we spend there, the water was, but to to return I find out that the cartels prepared to support the inclemencies of the weather, were not prepared to support the step of a band of runaway riders that broke everything what they could. A slightly united attitude with this emprendimiento and with the authors that we inform disinterestedly.
No happy-end to us.