Mucho se habla de la desaparición del joven y sagaz reportero siempre yendo al hueso de la noticia. Se especula incansablemente con lo que podría estar haciendo y dónde habrá ido a parar, qué sitio eligió para recluirse del mundo y de los focos mediáticos, del éxito. Se especula con aquél incierto destino, si lée o no en papel, si se ha pasado ya a la suscripción digital... Algunos, con ironía, se preguntan si ha caído alguna vez en las trampas mortales de las fakes news o si sencillaente ha sucumbido al ineludible pinchazo venenoso del clickbait. Muchas son las dudas que genera aún hoy en todas partes del globo, incluso hay quien asegura que ya ha muerto. Pero cómo va a morir, si todos saben que eso no puede ser, entre otras cosas porque ha cumplido 96 el otro día. El mundo entero se lo festejó.
De hecho, en las noches de luna llena, si prestas atención, un aullido lejano y confuso parece gritar "¡CARÁMBANOS!"
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There is much talk about the disappearance of the young and shrewd reporter, always going straight to the bone to the news. There is endless speculation about what he could be doing and where he has ended up, what place he chose to seclude himself from the world and the media spotlight, running away from success. There is speculation about his uncertain fate, whether or not he reads on paper, whether he has already switched to a digital subscription... Some, with irony, wonder if he has ever fallen into the deadly traps of fake news or if he has simply succumbed to the inevitable poisonous prick of clickbait. There are many doubts that he still generates today in all parts of the globe, there are even those who say that he has already died. But how is he going to die, if everyone knows that this cannot be, among other things because he turned 96 the other day. The whole world celebrated him.
In fact, on full moon nights, if you pay attention, a distant, confused howl seems to scream.CRUMBS!
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